
About Me
Personal History As Told By Clothing and Accessories

While there are some of my clothes that get thrown out, there are also a lot that I keep in storage. Once in a while, it is fun to look through them and remember the times long ago when I wore them. Some clothes are things that I wonder why I ever wore them. Some are simply too small for me to fit in. Some clothes items, such as some of my old band t-shirts take me back and remind me of cool places I visited and fun bands that I saw back when I was a a lot younger. This site is dedicated to telling your personal history through clothing and fashion.


3 Tips For Picking The Right Polo Shirt Color Scheme To Go With Your Business Environment

25 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

To put as good of an impression as possible in your customers' minds, it's important to give your employees quality uniforms that say something distinctive about your business. Especially if your business primarily serves wealthier clients, polo shirts are a great way to project class without looking desperate for attention. When you're trying to decide what polo shirt uniform color scheme goes best with your particular business environment, read these three tips. Read More …

Three Nifty Ideas For Baby Shower Presents

17 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Picking out presents for a baby shower can take a bit of work, but you will choose the perfect gift if you start with some great ideas. This article will present a number of worthy ideas for baby shower gifts for either a little boy or girl, so that you can start the proud new parents off on the right food. Regardless of what sort of budget you are working with, the gifts presented below will be wonderful for any brand new bundle of joy. Read More …

Getting Your Little Fashionista Organized For School

10 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Back-to-School can be one of the craziest times of the year. Getting into a routine can be difficult after a long summer, and the desire for your daughter to be independent can pose a particular challenge, especially when it comes to her wardrobe. If your little princess is particularly fond of the tutu and blue-jeans with rain boots look or the three-sizes-too-small t-shirt with leggings look, the thought of allowing her to choose her own outfits for school can be downright scary. Read More …

Three Marks of a Good Pair of Work Boots

7 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

A good pair of work boots has to serve several purposes. They need to protect your feet from sharp and rugged objects, keep your feet dry, keep you from slipping, and support your arch so you don't come home sore after a long day on your feet. How can you tell the difference between a good pair of work boots that will serve these functions, and one that will leave you feeling sore and in danger? Read More …

How To Select The Most Flattering Lingerie For Your Body Type

13 November 2014
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you're shopping for lingerie for your wedding night or simply want to surprise your significant other with some sexy lingerie, the fact remains that not all styles of lingerie are flattering on all body types. In order to look your best and feel the most confident in your new designer lingerie, like pieces from Lena Style, then it's important that you not only know your body type, but that you know how to find lingerie that flatters your body type. Read More …