
About Me
Personal History As Told By Clothing and Accessories

While there are some of my clothes that get thrown out, there are also a lot that I keep in storage. Once in a while, it is fun to look through them and remember the times long ago when I wore them. Some clothes are things that I wonder why I ever wore them. Some are simply too small for me to fit in. Some clothes items, such as some of my old band t-shirts take me back and remind me of cool places I visited and fun bands that I saw back when I was a a lot younger. This site is dedicated to telling your personal history through clothing and fashion.


Crotchless Lingerie Products That Aren’t Panties

14 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you like the idea of wearing crotchless panties to surprise and tease your partner, you won't have trouble finding the type of panties that you want at your local lingerie retailer. While many people enjoy wearing crotchless panties, you might not know that there are lots of other types of lingerie that are crotchless. If you want to buy something new and you're looking for an alternative to panties, visit a lingerie store or website and browse its selection of crotchless garments. Read More …

4 Types Of Cannabis Fashion Apparel To Wear

10 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Cannabis fashion apparel allows people who enjoy this herb to show their support. The look of any given piece of cannabis apparel will depend on the methods used in its construction as well as the types of fabric used. You may find that you prefer a particular style of cannabis fashion or that you enjoy all of them equally. The only way to know for sure is to start shopping and trying garments. Read More …

Effective Ways Women Can Preserve Their Wedding Dresses

17 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Women that are getting married usually end up spending a lot of time trying on dresses and choosing one in particular. The one that is chosen needs to be preserved until the day of the wedding and these steps can help with that. Try on with Caution You will want to try on your wedding gown a couple of times before the wedding, even after you purchase it. You probably want to verify that the dress still fits great. Read More …

4 Reasons Why You Should Invest In Performance Clothing For Your Kids

26 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Having kids is one of the best things you will ever do, but they can be beyond expensive. In between things like private lessons, vacations, and future college tuition, you have to provide them with everyday things like clothes. While you can go to your nearest big box store and buy your kids whatever clothing is on sale, why not invest a little bit more money into what they wear? Why should you do this? Read More …

Think Sustainably: Swimwear Edition

30 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you want to do your part to preserve this planet for future generations, then you need to think sustainably. In other words, you need to carefully choose products that create less pollution and are made in ways that help the environment — or at least do as little harm as possible. So how does this apply to your swimwear? There are two ways to think sustainably in this realm. You can choose swimwear made from more sustainable materials, and you can also take better care of it so that it lasts longer, thereby creating less waste. Read More …