
About Me
Personal History As Told By Clothing and Accessories

While there are some of my clothes that get thrown out, there are also a lot that I keep in storage. Once in a while, it is fun to look through them and remember the times long ago when I wore them. Some clothes are things that I wonder why I ever wore them. Some are simply too small for me to fit in. Some clothes items, such as some of my old band t-shirts take me back and remind me of cool places I visited and fun bands that I saw back when I was a a lot younger. This site is dedicated to telling your personal history through clothing and fashion.


There’s More To Wild Fashion Than Animal Prints: Cool Designs You Can Try

29 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you like to walk on the daring side of fashion, you've likely tried wearing animal prints in the past. Whether you have donned zebra stripe leggings or leopard-inspired flats, you know that you can turn heads by letting the wild animal kingdom take over your wardrobe. Wild fashion goes beyond the expected and traditional prints, however, and you can make a huge statement by thinking outside the box. Here are fashion trends you can try that allow you to do just that. Read More …

Three Necessities For Winter Hunting Boots

31 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When you are out hunting your trophy through the harsh winter months the last thing that you want to worry about is your feet. There are so many different boots that are available and many of them have great aspects, but fall short in some areas. This article is going to outline three absolute must haves when it comes to winter hunting boots. Like mentioned earlier there are many boots that are available, and it can be very difficult to pick out the right pair. Read More …

Have Bike Will Travel: 4 Tips To Ensure The Perfect Road Trip

10 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you recently purchased your first motorcycle and you're eager to take off on a road trip, make sure you're prepared before you hit the road. There's more to a road trip than just packing a few things and leaving. Road trips require a lot of careful planning, if you want to really enjoy the trip. Here are four steps you should take before you leave your first motorcycle road trip. Read More …

3 Tips For Wearing Leggings As Pants…Without Being Tacky

22 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

As you probably already know, there is something of a war out there in regards to wearing leggings as pants. Many people love wearing them as an alternative to pants, and it certainly makes sense -- they're incredibly comfortable, they're flattering, and they're affordable. However, it can be easy to show off a little more than you intended, particularly if you buy the wrong leggings or wear them the wrong way. Read More …

4 Great Benefits Of Yoga

23 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When you are looking for a new form of overall health and fitness that can be useful to your life, yoga is a great way to go. Yoga has a great deal of health and wellness benefits that any person can enjoy. Because of this, you should pay attention to these four yoga benefits below and then reach out to a studio in your area that can provide you with ongoing classes. Read More …